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Recalls Report

This report allows you to see the list of recalls that have been made by practitioners or the reception team. It can be filtered by:

  1. Status – past or current recalls.
  2. Complete – If this box is checked, the report will only show the recalls that have been marked as ‘completed’. Can be checked along with ‘Incomplete’ recalls to provide the total number of recalls recorded in the chosen date range.
  3. Incomplete – If this box is checked, the report will only show recalls that are yet to be made. Can be checked along with ‘Completed’ recalls to provide a total of the recalls recorded in the chosen date range.
  4. Date range – this filter allows you to you use different types of date ranges like current day, current month, previous month, current quarter, previous quarter, current year and choose range, where you can specify the custom date range.
  5. Clinic – this filter will only add the chosen clinic/ clinics’ data into the report.
  6. Practitioner – this filter will refine to the report to show only the data for the selected practitioner, in combination with clinic filter, if any clinic selected. If any clinic is mentioned then the result will be generated based on the data available for this practitioner in the selected clinic.

The data is then groups into the following columns: status, clinics, patient, date (the date the recall was set), phone number, email, treatment type, practitioner whom saw the patient last.

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