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10 key steps when opening your clinic
October 3, 2019
Meet the neighbours. Modify the A5 Flyer designed with your clinics details and get out there and walk in to and say hello to every business within a 2km radius. It may take 3-4 weeks to complete this. Its hard work but it is great exercise and it works. Walk in, introduce yourself, ask about them (this is the key) , give them a gift voucher and talk a little about yourself, walk out. Anyone who is interested then tell them you will call or come back in a week to find an appointment time for them.
Set a network with a local gym. We offer all personal trainers a special Pt rate. It is important for them to know this. Gyms can be a bit stand-offish but once you crack into one then its a gold mine. You ideally want to go to the staff meetings of two or three local gyms and say hello and set up contra where you train at the gym for free and the owner or head PT gets free care. You only need one of two great PT’s to get your business flying with referrals. If your clinic already has an alliance then get in and participate ASAP.
Set up a network with a local yoga school.
Flyer run. Make up some basic flyers and on quiet days get some exercise and walk the streets putting a flyer with an offer in houses mail boxes. AHPRA prohibit chiros and acupuncturists doing this with an offer on it but you can still do it with a massage and naturopath offer on it and just mention the clinic does the other things. If there is an open day, event or talk then you can use this as a draw card. Or you could make up flyers with specific things you help with.
Organise a regular health care class (e.g. posture workshop) so you can educate and inspire your internal clients. Encourage them to bring a partner as a way of getting new people into the clinic. We have many flyers and scripts and ideas for these types of classes so go and observe those doing them and replicate rather than recreating the wheel!
Write blog.
Join a local BNI chapter. This is usually the simple best thing you will do to get busy. Everyone is there for the same reason – to build their network! Everyone has had or has a body problem at some stage so its easy for us to win out with BNI!
Look up all local fetes and community events in your area and get involved. Organise a tent and get your team involved. These things are a great way to educate the community, get new clients and have fun all at the same time!
Find a local sporting team to support and sponsor. Find a sport you like. Most of the clinics sponsor a team or charity so get involved but you can go one step further and set something up yourself so
Thank everyone who refers to you personally with either a call or card. If they refer more than 3 people buy them a present or organise a free treatment for them. Flowers, wine, movie tickets etc to show your gratitude (and so they keep referring). This needs to be tracked using your referral tracking list.